Mission and strategy
«Furniture company»
- a dynamically developing manufacturing enterprise, which has in front of itself
clearly expressed goals and the tools to achieve them. We provide everyone with the best opportunity to equip their life
and workspace. We work for the long term and offer optimal solutions. Company
«Furniture company» -
reliable, high-tech, flexible supplier with high capacities.
Targets and goals
Meet customer expectations: “The customer is always right”. Only the Consumer forms a unified system of views on quality
products and works. - To get the employees of the company to understand their personal responsibility for the quality of work.
By improving the quality of products and works, constantly increase production volumes with the aim of subsequent reinvestment
profits in the development of the company. -
Ensure strict compliance of manufactured products with consumer requirements, rules and regulations
safety, environmental protection requirements.
Company policy
- Continuous improvement of the quality system. Timely and effective corrective action.
Caring for the employees of the company. Creation of working conditions and equipping workplaces corresponding to all sanitary
and hygiene standards. - Improving employee welfare. Ensuring the moral and material satisfaction of the company's employees.
- Systematic training of employees of all levels in order to constantly improve their professional skills.
The introduction of high-performance equipment and the latest technologies to increase labor productivity,
cost optimization and, as a result, lower prices for manufactured products. - Creation of new jobs. Hiring highly qualified specialists.
- Entering the international market.
We develop trusting mutually beneficial relationships with our partners in the long-term interests of our business.
«Furniture company»
takes responsibility for fulfilling its obligations and expects the same
approach to business from their business partners. This exactingness – a guarantee of our long-term profitability.
Since the day of its foundation
«Furniture company»
contributes to the growth of the well-being of the regions of Russia. We understand the importance
social responsibility of our Company and will remain an example in matters of social protection of our employees.